From: "N"
Subject: Top 10 Reprise


Do you remember, way back in the mists of time, we had a little fun with top ten lists? Well, considering certain recent events in Asuka, I think that it's about that time again. Here, then, is my contribution:


Top Ten Reasons Why Fuuma and Seishirou Are a Cooler Couple Than Kamui and Subaru


#10...Shared interests (food, killing people and destroying Tokyo, torturing bishounen....)
#9...Cool sunglasses -- and if they get bored with their own styles, they can always switch.
#8...Can entertain each other for hours with cryptic, vaguely menacing comments.
#7...Two words: Angst-free zone.
#6...No genki, happy high school boy to get in the way...and if one did, they'd just kill him.
#5...They can borrow Kanoe's sex toys.

Yuuto: Oro...?
Fuuma: We weren't talking about /you./
Seishirou: Although....
Fuuma: Hmm...are you pondering what I'm pondering, Seishirou-san?
Seishirou: I think so, Fuuma-kun -- but how will we attach the harness to the ceiling?
Yuuto: O.O

*ahem* Can we get back to the list now?

Seishirou: But of course....

#4...In some things, there's just no substitute for experience.
#3...Both have a knack for *cough* impaling *cough*.
#2...Two seme-types more likely to get things going than two uke-types.
And the #1 reason why Fuuma and Seishirou are a cooler couple than Kamui and Subaru... "Fuuma-kun, what are you about to do with that ice-cream?"


Okay, now it's your turn. Can you do the opposite? (See, I left the easy one for you. :P )


* * * * *


From: Kristin Huntsman
Subject: Top 10 Reprise


<g> Having gone and reread the original top 10 lists, and X12-14, here is my response....


Top Ten Reasons Why Kamui and Subaru Are a Cooler Couple Than Fuuma and Seishirou


#10...In case of trouble or questions, have a local friendly sex therapist.
#9...Hard to picture Seishirou ever lovingly adjusting Fuuma's school tie.
#8...Number of Seals in healthy relationships versus number of Angels in healthy relationships? 'Nuff said.
#7...Both able to separate "work" from "pleasure."
#6...If ever interest in a threesome expressed, Keiichi willing to volunteer!
#5...Subaru unlikely to offer Kamui controlled substances.
#4...Sheer bishounen aesthetics of the thing.
#3...Doubtless have better things to discuss than where to eat!
#2...Genuine caring and concern better than twisted little power plays.
And the #1 reason why Kamui and Subaru are a cooler couple than Fuuma and Seishirou...Neither likely to disembowel the other by reflex.

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