Author's Notes


A long time ago, I signed up for the Omi/Ken pairing on the 30 kisses LiveJournal community. (For those who aren't familiar with it, it offers thirty themes as story prompts, and each story is supposed to include a kiss.) Then I didn't go back to the community for ages, because I wanted to write all of the stories first so I could post them in some organized fashion, spaced not too far apart (yes, I know, the word is "anal"), and then of course depression happened, and job hunting, and one of my big "Sakura" pushes, and so on. When I finally did go back, I discovered that my pairing claim had been dropped for inactivity, and that somebody else had taken them over.

Since by that point I'd already gotten the first three stories done, I decided just to go ahead and release them. I may or may not continue, depending on other demands on my time. The stories are a chronological series, beginning from Kapitel first season and potentially going all the way up through Gluhen (probably not including Side-B).


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