About This Site

Songs for the Netjeru is a collection of songs written about and for the Gods of ancient Egypt. (Netjeru is the plural of netjer, or god.) Each song page includes lyrics, an embedded mp3, and background notes if applicable. Note that the recordings were all created by me and are strictly amateur quality. (If you’re looking for the Kemetic Loreena McKennitt, I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint you.)

All songs on this site are © Natalie Baan. You are more than welcome to perform them for yourselves in private devotional gatherings and/or in personal practice; however, please do credit me as the copyright holder on any handouts that you might make for your event. You may also download the mp3s to your own computer and/or personal listening device. All other rights are reserved; you may not reproduce these songs for any sort of general distribution, online or offline, in whole or in part, without written permission. If you’re interested in seeking permission, please feel free to email me.

About the Author

Natalie (Shefytbast) Baan is a writer, editor, and, apparently, a song-writer as well. The latter still boggles her mind. She is a priest and divined daughter of Bast in the Kemetic Orthodox temple known as The House of Netjer; the songs and this site are a part of her service to her Mother. Her main blog site, Gold of the Valley, Lapis of the River, includes religious musings and occasional pictures of her cats.